2014 Goals & New Directions

Looking back on my posts for 2013, it took me almost an entire month to create goals for the year & I didn't do a stellar job of keeping up with them or blogging about them! If you missed them - goals for the year, February recap, mid-year recap.

This year, I'm going to change direction just a little bit. Rather than setting a theme for each month, I'm going to pick a couple for each quarter. To say my brain has become more business-oriented since coming to college is total truth! 

I'm working on a few umbrella goals & some that will continue through all of 2014:

Create an editorial calendar for Lattes with Liv (series are coming back!)
Create a study schedule & stick with it (one of my biggest weaknesses)
Read at least 1 novel per month (January - check!)
Exercise at least once per week

What are some of your goals for Q1 and the rest of 2014?

Lattes with Liv: 2014 Goals & New Directions

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Goals & New Directions

Looking back on my posts for 2013, it took me almost an entire month to create goals for the year & I didn't do a stellar job of keeping up with them or blogging about them! If you missed them - goals for the year, February recap, mid-year recap.

This year, I'm going to change direction just a little bit. Rather than setting a theme for each month, I'm going to pick a couple for each quarter. To say my brain has become more business-oriented since coming to college is total truth! 

I'm working on a few umbrella goals & some that will continue through all of 2014:

Create an editorial calendar for Lattes with Liv (series are coming back!)
Create a study schedule & stick with it (one of my biggest weaknesses)
Read at least 1 novel per month (January - check!)
Exercise at least once per week

What are some of your goals for Q1 and the rest of 2014?


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