This morning, I was writing some cover letters for summer internships and provided a link to my blog. Of course I had to test said link and when I opened Lattes with Liv, I realized I hadn't posted since the beginning of January!
To say that this semester has been a whirlwind thus far is a bit of an understatement. There's always a bit of a transition period at the beginning of any semester, but this one has been a bit extreme! I've been chugging along, trying to get through everything that I needed to do, not really taking any time for just myself. Yesterday I finally took an evening off & even though I was up way past my bed time, it was completely worth it!
Since February is just around the corner (but really, when did that happen?) now is a great time to take some time for yourself! Even if it means enjoying 10 minutes in the morning with your coffee and something to read (I suggest The Skimm)
This is also a great time to go back and revisit your resolutions or goals. Check your progress (and if you're like me & you realize you're not doing so hot, make a plan to do better!).
My blog calendar has officially made my to-do list to help me keep up with posting!
Did you get lost in the beginning of the semester? How are you coping?